Where they were

The Master of Public Policy and Global Affairs (MPPGA) at UBC is a 20-month professional program with a particular focus on the Asia Pacific and sustainability policy. The program is constantly looking to attract future leaders and policymakers who will drive change in the world of government, industry, and non-profits across the world.

Through discussion with their current students, UBC knew that applicants take up to two years to research and apply to the program. They turned to Snaptech to help them build a holistic digital marketing funnel that could reach students at all stages of this decision-making process.

Where they are

With a custom phased approach to digital marketing launched, UBC is maximizing brand awareness, engagement, and applications for the MPPGA program. They know the different types of advertising that should be leveraged at different times of the year and during different stages of the user’s decision-making process.

53% Increase in Started Applications
100% Increase in Search Visibility
9% Increase in Completed Applications

What was needed

When we first started designing a digital marketing plan for the MPPGA program, we worked with their team to identify a user’s path-to-enrollment. We focused on gaining a better understanding of how long a student takes to research programs, what platforms influence them at different stages of this process, and what messages would resonate most during these different phases.

With this knowledge in hand, we finalized and launched our phased approach. This starts with a set of ads to generate awareness leading up to when applications open and leverages Facebook advertising and holistic remarketing to reach potential students. Then, once applications open, the ad copy shifts to drive engagement with informational content and Google Search campaigns are launched. Lastly, in the final six weeks before applications close, the messaging shifts to push the urgency of applications to the remarketing audience.

After the application period ends, we use the harvested data to improve the campaigns and restart the cycle from phase one.

facebook advertising

facebook retargeting

google search advertising

google display remarketing