By: Patrick Sauriol Sep 6/2023

How to Develop Better Converting Landing Pages

In today’s fast-paced modern digital age, your website serves as the virtual front door to customers. A website, by definition, is a presence online where people can learn more about a subject. Some websites can be a single page, while the majority are composed of many separate pages, each with their specific focus. For organizations that have more than a single page of content constituting their website, having landing pages stand out as a critical component for their website’s success. A landing page is a focused, standalone web page meticulously designed to captivate visitors, encourage action, and, ultimately, drive results.

Our digital marketing agency makes it a point to know how to put together landing pages that convert, meaning that they achieve the results that our clients want. Most of the time, the end goal of these pages is to acquire more business, but sometimes, they can also be used to raise awareness, increase page views, keep visitors longer on the website, obtain natural backlinks, and many other purposes or goals.


Understanding the Essence of Landing Pages

Let’s go back to the basic purpose of a landing page. Why does it exist? Why is it different than the homepage of a website, or the About page, or even the Contact page?

Remember that a landing page is specially crafted for a singular purpose: to convert visitors into taking a specific action. As mentioned earlier, usually, the owner of the website is seeking leads or customers for their business.

Unlike the sprawling, multifunctional nature of a typical website, landing pages are laser-focused and designed to guide visitors toward taking a specific action. This action might include signing up for a newsletter, making a purchase, requesting a quote, or filling out a contact form. Every element on a landing page, from the headline to the images you see, is chosen to drive visitors towards a conversion.

One of the primary reasons why landing pages are so crucial is their ability to target specific audiences. When someone clicks on an ad or a link in an email, they are directed to a landing page that aligns with the content or offer that piqued their interest. This alignment creates a seamless user experience, increasing the likelihood of conversion. For a business that seeks to attract several different audiences, multiple landing pages tailored for each separate audience can increase the likelihood of converting visitors into customers.

Moreover, landing pages provide a valuable opportunity for businesses to track and measure the success of their marketing campaigns accurately. The data recorded can tell the management what “clicks” with the audience. Edits to the landing page can be made, and the new data analyzed, to see if the modified landing page is more appealing to the target audience.

The Anatomy of an Effective Landing Page

Creating a successful landing page is a meticulous process that requires careful consideration of various elements. The best landing page designers don’t just guess what will appeal to an audience; they back up their creative approach with past experiences, a look at the data, and their intuition.

Snaptech has been making landing pages for two decades for hundreds of different kinds of businesses. Throughout it all, there are foundational strategies that our team uses to build any sort of landing page. Here are those fundamental ingredients, broken into 11 categories, for creating top-notch landing pages:

  1. Compelling Headline:

  • The headline is your landing page’s first impression. It should be concise, attention-grabbing, and directly related to the visitor’s intent or the offer. Use action-oriented language that instills curiosity or urgency.
  • The shorter the heading, the better. Go back and find ways to shorten your word count.
  • Tailor your headline to match the message or keyword that brought visitors to your page. This alignment reassures them that they’re in the right place.
  • Consider using a sub-headline to provide additional context or benefits without overwhelming visitors.
  1. Engaging Copy:

  • The body copy should elaborate on the headline and emphasize the unique value proposition of your offer. Explain how it addresses the visitor’s needs or problems.
  • Use persuasive language to create an emotional connection with the reader. Address their pain points and demonstrate how your solution can solve them.
  • As is the case for your heading, you want to keep paragraphs and sentences short for easy readability. Bullet points and lists can be effective for highlighting key benefits or features. As an example, see what I’m doing here in this blog entry.
  1. Captivating Visuals:

  • Visual elements, such as images and videos, should complement your message and reinforce the value of your offer. For example, if you’re promoting a product, high-quality images or videos showcasing its use can be compelling.
  • Ensure that visuals are relevant, clear, and optimized for fast loading. Slow-loading images can deter visitors.
  • Use visuals strategically to guide visitors’ attention. For instance, you can use arrows or visual cues to direct them towards the call to action.
  • Along with having fast-loading images, make sure that the subject of the image is clear, easy to identify, and properly lit. Bad imagery can create a sense of concern in the viewer.
  1. Call to Action (CTA):

  • Your CTA button should be visually striking and positioned prominently on the page, usually above the fold. Use contrasting colours from the ones in the landing page’s body to make your CTA stand out.
  • The CTA text should be action-oriented and specific. Phrases like “Get Started,” “Download Now,” or “Request a Quote” leave no room for ambiguity.
  • Use A/B testing to experiment with different CTA variations, including button colour, size, and wording, to determine what works best for your audience.
  • Keep the copy short! If you can use an icon or graphic, that’s easy for people to identify, like the triangle within a circle icon for watching a video.
  1. Lead Capture Form:

  • If your goal is lead generation, your form should strike a balance between collecting enough information to qualify leads and not overwhelming visitors. Typically, asking for a name and email address is a good starting point.
  • Use progressive profiling to collect additional information over time, as leads engage with your brand.
  • Implement validation and error messages to guide users through the form-filling process. Make it clear if there are any errors and how to correct them.
  • Identify what fields are necessary for the leads to fill out and what information is optional. Use an asterisk ( * ) to denote the required fields.
  1. Social Proof:

  • Social proof elements, such as customer testimonials, reviews, ratings, or logos of well-known clients, build credibility and trust.
  • Highlight specific results or benefits that previous customers have experienced. Real-life stories and testimonials are particularly compelling.
  • Continuously update social proof to reflect the latest feedback and accomplishments.
  1. Mobile Optimization:

  • With the increasing use of smartphones, it’s crucial to ensure that your landing page is fully responsive and mobile-friendly. Test your page across various devices and screen sizes to guarantee a consistent experience.
  • Optimize the mobile version for faster load times by compressing images and minimizing unnecessary scripts.
  • Often, landing pages viewed on a mobile device can be much longer than the experience on a desktop. Make sure that key information is kept in the mind of the mobile visitor, especially the CTA.
  1. Loading Speed:

  1. Analytics and Tracking:

  • Implement marketing analytics tools, such as Google Analytics or marketing automation platforms, to track visitor behaviour and conversion rates. The more data you have, the more insight into the mind of your audience.
  • Monitor metrics like bounce rate, conversion rate, and average time on page to assess your landing page’s performance and identify areas for improvement.
  • Conduct A/B tests to refine your landing page based on data-driven insights. You can always improve landing pages.
  1. Security and Privacy:

  • In today’s data-sensitive environment, reassure visitors about the security and privacy of their information. Clearly communicate your privacy policy and data protection measures.
  • Display trust badges or certifications to build confidence in your site’s security.
  1. Multivariate Testing:

  • In addition to A/B testing, multivariate testing allows you to experiment with multiple variations of different elements simultaneously. This approach can provide deeper insights into the interactions between various page elements. It’s also a great feature to do when your business serves the needs of several audiences that are different in their thinking from one another.
  • When conducting multivariate tests, keep a clear hypothesis and specific goals in mind to extract meaningful conclusions.

Building the Best Landing Page is the Journey, Not the Destination

You remember that phrase, don’t you? “It’s not the destination that’s important, it was the journey along the way that was.”

Landing pages follow a similar approach. Even if you have a great performing landing page that is collecting a good amount of leads or conversions, you can always try to make it perform better.

Over time people get accustomed to the way a website looks. Design trends change, better reviews are written, products evolve their look, competition arises to challenge your kingdom. You will never be able to achieve the perfect landing page because outside factors are also having an influence on how it will perform.

Pay attention to what your competitors are doing for their landing pages. See how web design trends arise and play out. Stay abreast of developments with search engines so you won’t be surprised. Stay involved with the development and evolution of your landing pages, even if you’re not the one doing the hands-on work. You can ask for status reports and updates from the team that handles your digital marketing. We do that here at Snaptech for the clients that use our services for landing page creation and administration.

By paying careful attention to the best practices outlined above and our recommendations you will create landing pages that not only attract visitors but also guide them toward the desired action. These killer landing pages will ultimately maximizing your website’s conversion potential. The better those landing pages are, the more business you will wind up having.

Landing pages are a dynamic and continuously evolving aspect of digital marketing, and an extremely necessary one too. Hopefully this article will make you better educated about the components of a great landing page. Use the information and increase your landing page performance!